Process Server and Investigation

Tinsley Keefe Speaks on Utilizing Your Children as a Skip Tracer

Tinsley Keefe Speaks on Utilizing Your Children as a Skip Tracer

You might think that children are nothing but interference when it comes to skip tracing, but you could not be farther from the truth. Children can actually help you nail the people you are chasing after. If you utilize your children, not only can you spend more time with them but you can do your job and make money while spending time with them. What better ways to spend time with your kids than letting them help you catch bad guys? Every child loves the opportunity to be a hero. That being said, you might not know where to start when it comes to utilizing your children while skip tracing. Thankfully, Dr. Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe has experience from her time as skip tracer in Oklahoma City and advises us on how to make the most of a tricky situation.

The most obvious thing is manipulation. A person might be suspicious of a grown adult trailing them or trying to interact with them. That person might bolt the second they get the chance if it means avoiding their debt or a late bill. This is where the children come in. If you instruct the child correctly, you should be able to lure the person in by using the child as bait. They could pretend to fall and demand for help, or they could simply be a child and demand the attention of the targeted individual for no specific reason. After the child has the person cornered, step into the picture and make your move. Pulling from her experience utilizing children as a skip tracer in Oklahoma, Dr. Tinsley Keefe knows the benefits do not run out there.

Despite always trying to keep a twenty on you, there might be times where you have already used that twenty and you are officially out of cash. People are much more likely to offer favors to those accompanied by children. You could easily claim that your wallet was stolen and your child is not feeling well, and you will probably get a free bus ride or even a free meal if you claim that the child is starving. The best part about utilizing children during skip tracing is being able to spend time with them. Paying bills is important which means working is important, and sometimes work can take up the better part of the day . . . if not longer. Tinsley Keefe knows from her time as a skip tracer in OKC that it sucks when your kids are waiting at home for you, missing you. This lets you multitask in the best way possible.

If you follow Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe’s advice on utilizing children while skip tracing, then you will be reaping the benefits in no time at all. It is time to do your job and take care of your kids at the same time. Not only will you be happy of the outcome, but your kids will be even happier.


Tinsley Keefe Speaks on Utilizing Your Children as a Skip Tracer

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