Process Server and Investigation

Top FAQs for Finding the Best Process Server in Altus, OK

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers
and Private Investigators

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Find the Best Process Server in Altus, Oklahoma

Most frequent questions and answers

Process servers and private investigators from private investigation agencies in Altus, OK are people you never need until you suddenly find you need them most. Indeed, many people do not even know what they even are or what they do. Even so, each specialist serves as a vital component to our courts throughout the United States of America.

The owners of our private detective agency in Altus have put together a series of FAQs to help others wanting to know more about Altus process servers and Altus private investigators. These FAQs are meant to answer some of the most common questions that people often have about them. Indeed, each question and its accompanying answer is hereby listed below as follows:

Process server serves court papers and other legal documents, while a private investigator conducts criminal and civil private investigations into all kinds of matters. This is really the main difference between them. Indeed, many people who work as a process server often hold a dual license as a private investigator in Altus, OK and vice versa. 😊

Process server can help you serve court papers and other legal documents to individuals, businesses, governmental agencies, and nonprofit corporations, while private detectives investigate civil and criminal private investigations, locate missing persons, etc. A process server can try to get a defendant/respondent served with court papers or other legal documents, while a private detective can try to help that same person who has court papers to serve investigate the case for which the professional is attempting to serve court papers for in the first place.

An example of this would be if he/she is attempting to serve court papers on someone for a cheating spouse case, a child custody case, or a Workers’ Compensation fraud case. While the client could hire the best process server to serve the court papers, that same client will likely also want to hire the best private investigator to conduct surveillance upon the person of interest (POI) to gather information and video footage of the POI doing bad things that can help the client in her/his/their court case. Since many process servers from the best private detective agencies  simultaneously work as private investigators, the client might just choose to hire the same process server who is also licensed as a private detective from the best private detective agency. 😊

To be eligible to become a process server in Oklahoma, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  1. Be at least 18 years old
  2. Be a resident of Oklahoma for the past 6 months or a resident of the county you wish to register in for at least 30 days
  3. Not have any felony convictions or pending felony charges, nor any violent misdemeanor convictions or pending charges
  4. Have committed no crimes of “moral turpitude” – whatever “that” means
  5. Never have been required to register as a sex offender
  6. Never have had your process server license revoked for the first time in the past 5 years and under no circumstances more than twice
  7. You must fill out the process server in Oklahoma application, pay the associated fees, and bring back the other items the application requires.

If you meet all the requirements above, then you can become an official. If you want to find employment as one, please contact one of the owners of our private detective agency in Altus, OK today for more information. 😊

Yes, professionals must serve all subpoenas personally. It does not matter which state or federal jurisdiction the subpoenas are from. If they do not serve a subpoena personally, then the service is invalid and does not count.

A default judgment is what happens when a professional serve someone, but that person fails to show up to court. Thus, upon reviewing the information, if the judge believes the plaintiff/petitioner then she/he/they will grant the person’s motion/petition and the defendant/respondent will not even have an opportunity to respond. This basically means the plaintiff/petitioner “wins automatically”, because the defendant/respondent failed to appear and defend the matter.

No one is allowed to break the law and trespass onto someone else’s property. That being said, officials like police officers and process servers, the latter of whom are officers of the court, are allowed to do their jobs. Thus, not even a police officer is permitted to prohibit an officer of the court such as a licensed process server from performing her/his/their duties.

Most cities have ordinances about what constitutes trespassing. Thus, in many cases if a residential or work area is completely fenced in, has a locked gate, and signs posted onto the fence and gate which clearly state “NO TRESPASSING”, then it would be illegal even for an expert to enter into the area. In these circumstances, he/she would have to wait and watch outside of the property for the defendant/respondent to enter or leave at some point.

Yes, instead of choosing to hire a specialist to serve court papers and other legal documents, some clients foolishly try to serve the defendant/respondent via certified mail with a return receipt. While this tactic is s decent idea when serving large businesses, banks, etc., on a routine basis, it can potentially have catastrophic results when attempted in other circumstances. 😊

Unlike large businesses or governmental agencies, most smaller businesses and private individuals will not sign for court documents via certified mail with a return receipt because they do not want them. Even worse, once a client knows that the court documents are coming and the experts have lost the element of surprise, it will sadly make their job that much harder because the defendant/respondent is likely to start evading service of process. ☹

There are many reasons to hire the best process server and private investigator from the best private investigation agency to serve papers, instead of choosing to hire a sheriff’s deputy. Indeed, if you choose to hire a sheriff’s deputy instead of opting to hire them to help you, then you could possibly compromise your entire case. ☹

The first reason to hire them is that a sheriff’s deputy will go to serve papers in uniform, while they do not. Why is this important, you might ask? The answer to this question is surprisingly simple.

They go out in plainclothes, while a sheriff’s deputy goes out in uniform. If a defendant/respondent has criminal warrants out for her/him/them, what do you think will happen when the sheriff’s deputy comes to the front door. Think the defendant/respondent is going to answer the door for them? If so, think again!

They go in plainclothes or even in disguises, so as to avoid immediate detection. Thus, they have distinct advantages over sheriffs’ deputies.

Another advantage that they have over a sheriff’s deputy is their ability to do rush service on a moment’s notice and to work on holidays. Yes, they have the best speed and flexibility to work as quickly as needed, whenever needed . . . for the right price, of course. 😉 Think a sheriff’s deputy will serve someone on Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, or within the hour? Think again! ☹

You can also hire them to wait and watch for an evasive defendant/respondent to come or go from a location. This may take hours or even many days and nights of watching, but this is a task that only they may undertake. Sheriffs’ deputies do not offer this service.

If you need to have certain documents filed or retrieved for a case, then it would also be wisest to hire them, instead of going with a sheriff’s deputy. A sheriff’s deputy simply does not have the time to go file and retrieve documents for court cases, but when you make the wiser decision to choose them, you can indeed have much success. 😊

You can also choose them to find missing persons by conducting skip traces. Yes, sheriffs’ deputies do not offer this service, but if you need to find a new address on a defendant/respondent, run a social media scan/deep Internet search, or even conduct a nationwide criminal background check, then your best bet is to find one to help you. 😊

As you can see, there are tons of reasons why it is better to hire them to help you serve court papers and other legal documents. The reasons listed above are only a few reasons to find them instead of choosing a sheriff’s deputy. If you need to locate a them, then find them from our best private investigation agency – OURS – today. 😊

One thing that any process server and private investigator from the best private investigation agency can tell you is that to serve an individual, business, governmental agency, nonprofit organization, etc., is that they must have a valid address at which to serve someone. Without a valid address where they can go serve someone at, it is impossible to get good service on a person.

Fortunately, there are many ways that the best agents can locate missing people. Thus, if you do not have a good address for someone to serve her/him/them at, then just locate them to help you find missing persons. Our process servers, private investigators, and skip tracers are experts at being able to find missing people and locate missing people. 😊

No, it is illegal to interfere with them. Besides, why would you even want to interfere with them? What kind of person does that? Is this really a question you are seriously asking yourself? If so, why? ☹

The purpose of needing to hire a process server to serve court papers and other legal documents upon others involved in pending litigation is to give them official notice of the legal action by an unbiased/disinterested person. They must also be of “sound moral character” and without felonies and violent misdemeanors.

They must also not be a party to or beneficiary of the legal case for which they are serving court papers and other legal documents for. They play vital roles in our American system of justice, and without them our nation would be in real trouble. ☹

Yes, lol, process servers serve people every day all over the world and especially in the USA. They provide official notice to each defendant/respondent of a pending court action or other legal action, and thus they are vital to our judicial system.

Each specialist has the right to refuse to work for any client and to refuse to serve anyone he/she does not wish to serve. Each notary public has the same right to refuse to notarize documents the mobile notaries do not wish to notarize.

If you are a process server and have concerns about someone who wants you to serve court papers upon another person, business, governmental agency, nonprofit organization, etc., please locate one today to help you discern what to do. Indeed, you can find one from our best private investigation agency to help you.

They have many ways to locate missing people and to find missing people. This is especially helpful when you need to serve court papers or solve a civil or criminal private investigation. Without knowing where a person of interest (POI) lives, they are unable to serve court papers, conduct surveillance, etc.

Fortunately, each has many ways to locate missing persons. Some of the numerous ways they have to locate missing people and to find missing people include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Surveillance of a Person of Interest (POI) – You can always hire a process server and a private detective  to follow persons of interest (POIs) around to find out where they are going, what they are doing, whom they are with, and at what dates and times they are engaging in the activities. Surveillance is a very popular way for them to locate missing kids, and they conduct surveillance all the time and have much experience with it. 😊
  2. Nationwide Skip Tracing – You can hire one to conduct a skip trace service on your behalf. Our nationwide skip trace service can help locate missing persons quickly and inexpensively. In fact, running a nationwide skip trace is one of the first tactics to find missing persons that our skip tracers, process servers, and private investigators from our private investigation agency try first.

To conduct the skip trace, our professionals will ask a client for several pieces of information. Each specialist kindly asks that each client provides as much of the following information as possible to help locate the missing person and to find the missing person:

  1. Full Legal Name of the POI
  2. Social Security Number
  3. Driver’s License Number
  4. Date of Birth, Year of Birth, or Age Range
  5. Current & Former E-mail Addresses
  6. Current & Former Phone Numbers
  7. Current & Former Residential & Office Addresses & Dates at Those Locations
  8. Social Media Profile URL Links

When they run a skip trace service on your behalf to locate missing people, the nationwide skip trace service will hopefully pull up the following information about the person of interest (POI):

  1. Full Legal Name of the POI and the POI’s Other Legal name Variations
  2. Social Security Number
  3. Driver’s License Number
  4. Date of Birth, Year of Birth, or Age Range
  5. Current & Former E-mail Addresses
  6. Current & Former Phone Numbers
  7. Current & Former Residential & Office Addresses & Dates at Those Locations
  8. Professional Licenses
  9. Liens
  10. Judgments
  11. Bankruptcies
  12. Employment History
  13. Gun Licenses
  14. UCC Filings
  15. Global Watchlists
  16. Marriage Records – California Only
  17. Driving Records
  18. Titles Properties/Deeds Owned
  19. Much More! 😊

Of course, they understand that most clients do not have all the information about the person of interest (POI) that the clients are trying to find missing persons for, but that is okay. Just send them with as much of the initial information about the POI as you have, and they will attempt to find the rest of the needed information. 😊

  1. Going Door-to-Door – Another method is for them to go door-to-door manually looking for the person of interest (POI) or someone who has recently seen her/him/them or even just knows of the POI’s whereabouts. This is one of the later tactics that they attempt to get this job done, given the cost and time requirements mandated by this methodology.
  2. Contacting the POI’s Friends/Family/Neighbors – If you need to hire one by going door-to-door to search for them, it is certainly something that they can do. If you want them to help you in this manner, please locate one from our private investigation agency today for more information. 😊
  3. Actively Monitoring a POI’s Social Media Accounts – Given how much personal information that many people overshare about themselves and their personal lives. Some of this information that people often overshare includes photos, names, locations, activities, whom they are with, as well as dates and times they are at a given place. You can hire one by accessing this information to locate missing people and to find missing people.

Our agents do it by going undercover and using fake profiles to add persons of interest (POIs) as “friends” on their social media to gain access to all their public information available to their social media friends. You would be surprised by how many POIs will fall for this trick and will willingly add people they do not know onto social media platforms with access to so much of their personal information.

  1. Catfishing the POI – Our officials can also try to find missing persons by creating fake dating and sex app profiles and trying to catfish romance scammers and cheating spouses. They can also help locate the sex and dating profiles of the POIs and see if they are cheating on their partners and/or scamming people out of money. Yes, catfishing is an incredible way under certain circumstances for them to find missing people.
  2. License Plate Checks – You can always hire them to run license plates of unknown persons to help you do this job. Indeed, they often use this tactic to find the name of the owner(s) of the vehicle in question and the associated residential address for it. This is a very effective and inexpensive method to help locate missing persons via a process server and a private detective at our private detective agency in Altus. 😊
  3. Post Office Box Checks – You can also always hire a specialist to check to see what address is associated with a post office box at the United States Post Office (USPS) that someone has rented. Yes, that is right! You can hire one to fill out a special form that only he/she can get access to, to find out the 911/physical address someone who rented a P.O. box associated with the P.O. box number. 😊
  4. Forwarding Mail Checks – Whenever people move from one location to another, they often file a mail forwarding request with the United States Postal Service (USPS) to have the USPS move their mail from their old location to their new one. Other than the person who filed the forwarding mail request with the post office, no one else gets to know what the new address is . . . except private investigators and process servers from private investigation agencies. 😉

You can hire them to fill out a special form to give to an employee at the USPS to discreetly find out the new address of the person who filed the mail forwarding request. This is yet another fabulous way for them to find missing persons quickly and easily. 😊

As you can see, there are many ways that they can help you find missing people. Yes, you can hire them for this job, as each agent has a plethora of ways to locate missing children on your behalf. 😊

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