Process Server and Investigation

Expert Witness Testimony FAQ

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers
and Private Investigators

Our expert team of attorneys and consultants will be glad to provide necessary legal assistance.

Expert Witness Testimony FAQ

What is an expert witness?

He is a trained professional with highly specialized training in one or more areas of specialty.  This could include but is not limited to physicians, law enforcement officials, educational leaders, environmental scientists, psychologists, and leaders in many other professions.  He can provide expert testimony in certain court cases, and this may help you win your case.

How do I know if I need an expert witness?

Firstly, you will want to find out what kind of expert witness you will need. How might this person’s testimony in court help you win your case? Their type you might need will depend on the details of your case, as well as whether your case is a civil or criminal one. Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers and Private Investigators recommends that you ask the attorney handling your case if an expert witness could help you.  If you do not have an attorney in charge of your legal matter, we can often help match you up with an attorney who can assist you.  In some cases, lawyers through organizations like Legal Aid will help you for free.  In special cases that do not require attorneys, the ultimate decision about whether or not to obtain the assistance of an expert witness may rest solely with you.

What type of educational and practical experience does an expert witness have?

The type of educational background and experience will vary from one to another.  For example, a medical doctor who serves as an official will have a bachelor’s degree and another degree in medicine, as well as years of experience as a physician.  A law enforcement expert may have a wide and eclectic amount of educational and/or practical training, and he or she will have served in a field either in or directly related to law enforcement.  Many of them are licensed by their respective boards or licensing agencies.

Will hiring an expert witness definitely help me win my case?

No one can say with all certainty that they will be able to successfully help you win your case. Your judge may go before a judge or a jury, and they will weigh all of the evidence as a whole. They can, in many cases, assist in providing special knowledge about a particular topic or area that is likely to be specific to your case. Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers and Private Investigators will work with both you and your attorney, if you have one, to help determine whether an expert witness is likely to help further your side of your criminal or civil case.

Isn’t an expert witness just another “hired gun” who will always testify on someone’s behalf for money?

They will offer their assistance to you if they think they can help you win your case. They are not “hired guns” per se, and if they disagree with your position or think they cannot be of help, they will tell you this in advance. They will never testify on behalf of anyone if it goes against their professional ethics, and they will not lie on the stand under any circumstance. All of them will, if the case presents itself, testify for both the plaintiff/prosecution as well as the respondent/defendant.

How do I go about hiring an expert witness?

If you have an attorney representing you and think you might need one to help you with your case, please have your legal counsel give us a call or send us an e-mail at Email.  If you are not currently represented by an attorney and do not plan to be, then we urge you to contact us directly. We will work with you to help you decide whether or not one of our specialists will be able to help you with your case.

In which states do your expert witnesses serve?

Our company has these professionals who can serve throughout the entire nation. We have ones who will serve in Oklahoma and other states, and some will even travel to other countries to proffer vital testimony that could ethically help a client in need. Please contact Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers and Private Investigators at (405) 593-3515 to find out which one is available in an area nearest you!

How much does it cost to hire an expert witness?

The cost of these agents can and often do vary from one to another, but rest assured that all of the expert witnesses at our agency’s prices are pretty fair and reasonable. Please keep in mind that many  must generally pay for licenses, continued training, malpractice insurance, building/office costs, etc. They are trained professionals and usually have extensive experience and knowledge in their fields.

What is your preferred payment method for hiring an experienced expert witness?

We prefer cash, personal/business checks, and money orders.  Payment in the form of a retainer for them is taken up front, and credit cards are not accepted. We will gladly refund any unused amount from that retainer, if any, when services are completed.

What types of employment opportunities do you have available for a professional expert witness?

We have employment opportunities for them in Oklahoma in a wide array of areas of expertise.  Please check out our downloadable job applications.  You can find them in the footer area of each page on our website.  You can send the completed applications and requested attachments back to us via regular mail, fax, or via E-mail.  Please contact Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers and Private Investigators at Call or e-mail us at Email to find out which current job openings we have available for expert witnesses.

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