Process Server and Investigation

Why Tracking Devices Should Be Allowed for Private Investigators in Oklahoma

Tracking Devices

Why the State of Oklahoma Should Allow Tracking Devices for Private Investigators in Norman, Oklahoma, at a Private Investigation Agency in Mustang, OK, Who are Conducting Child Custody Private Investigations in El Reno, OK, and Cheating Spouse Private Investigations in Bethany, Oklahoma. 

Cheating spouse and child custody investigations in Oklahoma City are two sensitive cases that affect families. ‘Family’ plays an essential role in society, and any investigation in OKC that can make or mar a family needs to be carried out efficiently to get indisputable facts and evidence.

Surveillance has been one of the most effective techniques private investigators in Norman, Oklahoma, at a private investigation agency in Mustang, OK, use for gathering accurate information. It comes in various forms, but the most effective, time-saving, and discrete form is using tracking devices.

However, it is illegal for a private investigator in Norman, Oklahoma, at a private investigator agency in Mustang, OK, to conduct a child custody investigation in El Reno, OK, or a cheating spouse investigation in Bethany, Oklahoma, using these devices.

Every private investigator in Oklahoma City in a standard private investigator agency in OKC is prohibited from gathering information on a POI (Person of Interest) by tracking them. Doing this attracts about a year jail term and a $1000 fine. This law has existed for the past 3-4 years, following the experience of a lawmaker tracked without his consent. Tracking device prohibition has made investigations more difficult and limited private investigators in Norman, Oklahoma, at a private investigator agency in Mustang, OK, in  several ways.

This article looks into why lawmakers should revisit the existing law to allow private investigators in Norman, Oklahoma, at a private investigator agency in Mustang, OK, use tracking devices, especially those conducting child custody private investigations in El Reno, OK, and cheating spouse private investigators in Bethany, Oklahoma.

Importance of Tracking Devices to Child Custody and Cheating Partner Investigation

Tracking devices are different but serve the same purpose of gathering information for private investigators in Oklahoma City. Be it a GPS tracking device or a cellphone-based tracking device, they provide private investigators in OKC undeniable facts and clear leads during a child custody investigation in El Reno, or a cheating spouse investigation in Bethany.

Information from tracking devices may be audio recordings, location detection, visual recordings, an account of internet activities, etc. These essential data can help the private investigator in Norman, Oklahoma at a private investigation agency in Mustang, OK, unravel the truth during a child custody private investigations in El Reno, OK, and cheating spouse private investigations in Bethany, Oklahoma save an endangered child or union.

Below are reasons why tracking devices should be allowed for private investigators in Oklahoma:

It makes investigation easier.

Every investigation technique utilized by private investigators in Norman, Oklahoma, at a private investigator agency in Mustang, OK, during a child custody private investigations in El Reno, OK, and cheating spouse private investigations in Bethany, Oklahoma is meant to ease the investigation process.

However, tracking devices make it more seamless. It allows private investigators in Norman, Oklahoma, to wrap up cases within a short period.

Tracking devices are excellent for generating strong leads that make the investigation more direct. During a  cheating spouse investigation in Bethany, OK, the private investigator can detect places the POI (person of interest) frequents. One of these places may be the meeting point with their lover and could contain strong evidence of infidelity.

Plugged-in tracking devices can provide a child custody investigator in El Reno with audio evidence of physical or verbal abuse and proof of a guardian or parent unavailability by providing records detailing when they leave or return home through the tracker. This information is usually hard to come by without a tracking device. Not using tracking devices delay investigation and makes investigation process challenging for private investigators.

Information Accuracy

Information obtained from leveraging tracking devices is usually more accurate and reliable than eyewitness accounts. They are indubitable, and unravel the truth behind a case with precision. Prohibiting the use of tracking devices makes it easy for suspects to escape the law if the information is based on witnesses’ accounts which can be influenced by incentives, bias, and other factors.

Also, if a private investigator in Norman, Oklahoma, at a private investigator agency in Mustang, OK, gets accurate information unravelling a child custody case in El Reno, Oklahoma, or a cheating partner’s case in Bethany, OK, using a tracking device, the court would disregard such information due to the ban on using tracking devices.

The fact that crime perpetrators can walk free due to the prohibition of the method used to obtain information indicting them isn’t good enough. Hence, tracking devices should be allowed to ensure justice takes its course during a child custody investigation, cheating spouse investigation, or other private investigation in Oklahoma City.


Using tracking devices makes investigations cost less. It reduces (or eliminates) the need for staking out or trailing the person of interest (POI), and the possibility of visiting a suspected place of gathering information but leaving empty-handed, which makes the private investigator spends less on logistics. Tracking devices provide accurate information which ensure private detectives do not waste resources on trial and error methods. They are of great importance to private investigations.

While it’s understandable that the law aims to protect individuals’ privacy, they’re certain ways to strike a balance without placing a complete ban on using tracking devices. They include:

Creating a due process for requesting usage permission

Rather than the complete prohibition of using tracking devices, appropriate bodies can have a process that reviews the request to use them during an investigation. Private investigators in Oklahoma city can follow this process, and await verdicts. The decision to approve or reject the request will be based on the magnitude of the case, and the important role tracking devices will play during the investigation.

This will control the use and reduce the possibility of misuse of these devices. Other criteria that can be considered during the review process, include the private investigator’s experience, the private investigator’s agency track records, and possession of necessary documents, amongst others.

Stringent punishment for misuse

Any private investigator in Norman, Oklahoma, at a private investigator agency in Mustang, OK, found wanting of going against the established guidelines concerning the use of tracking devices after approval should face serious punishments. This could range from high-cost fines to jail terms or  license revoking.


Tracking devices help a great deal during an investigation. They make investigation seamless, accurate, cost-effective, and hard to debate. This is why they should be allowed in Oklahoma. Appropriate bodies can try to balance allowing tracking devices and protecting individuals’ privacy through well-thought-out policy reform. This will see the child custody investigation in El Reno, Oklahoma, and the cheating partner investigation in Bethany, Oklahoma, becomes more satisfactory and effective.

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