Process Server and Investigation

Process Server in Tulsa, Oklahoma FAQs

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers
and Private Investigators

Our expert team of attorneys and consultants will be glad to provide necessary legal assistance.

Process Server in Tulsa, Oklahoma FAQs

A dually licensed process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma and private investigator in Tulsa, OK at a private investigation agency in Tulsa can assist people with a wide variety of legal tasks and court services.

Process Server in Tulsa, Oklahoma FAQsIndeed, many of the best process servers in Tulsa and private investigators in Tulsa at our private detective agency in Tulsa help relieve a tremendous amount of stress and hardship for many individuals, businesses, and governmental agencies. Some of the most common clients a dually licensed Tulsa, OK process server and Tulsa, Oklahoma private investigator at our Tulsa, Oklahoma private investigation agency assists with process serving in Tulsa, Oklahoma are as follow:

  • Individuals
  • Businesses (i.e., Apartment Complexes)
  • Governmental Agencies
  • Nonprofit Agencies/NPOs
  • Law Firms/Attorneys
  • Other Process Serving in Tulsa, OK Companies and Private Investigation Agencies in Tulsa
  • YOU!

Of course, if you are reading this, you are going through an extremely stressful situation that necessitates the hiring of a dually licensed process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma and private detective in Tulsa from our private investigation agency in Tulsa to assist you. Indeed, our dually licensed process server in Tulsa and private investigators at our Tulsa private detective agency can assist you with are as follow:

  • Divorce Cases
  • Small Claims Cases – Small Claims Affidavits and Orders
  • Child Custody Cases
  • Victim Protection Orders (VPOs)
  • Civil Rights Lawsuits
  • Evictions – Summonses and Petitions for Forcible Entry and Detainer
  • Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs)
  • Hearings on Assets
  • Indirect Contempt Citations
  • Replevin Petitions
  • Subpoenas
  • Pre-Eviction Documents – Notices to Pay or Quit
  • Demand Letters
  • Property Foreclosures
  • Letters of Termination of Employment and of Rental Property
  • Protective Orders (POs)
  • Anything You Want! 😊

Throughout your life, if you have never yet required the services of a dually licensed process server in Tulsa and private investigator in Tulsa at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, the chances are that one day you will. Indeed, everyone goes though some legal situation at some point in life, even if it is a small matter.

Of course, some people have a propensity to go through multiple legal situations repeatedly. Therefore, Dr. Makayla Saramosing and the other Tulsa, Oklahoma process servers and Tulsa, Oklahoma private detectives at our Tulsa, Oklahoma private detective agency have put together this list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about our dually licensed process servers in Tulsa, OK and private detectives in Tulsa, OK. They are as follow:

A dually licensed process server in Tulsa, Ok is officially authorized by the state of Oklahoma to serve legal process upon defendants, respondents, petitioners, etc.

Respondents, petitioners, and defendants in legal cases are usually one of the following:

  • Individuals
  • Businesses
  • Governmental Agencies
  • Nonprofit Agencies
  • Attorneys/Law Firms

The types of papers that a process server in Norman, OK and a private detective near me at a private investigation agency near me often serves the following types of court and other legal documents:

Throughout your lifetime, you may very well need the assistance of a licensed Tulsa process server If you ever find that you do, please contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her expert team of licensed private investigators and licensed private process servers in Oklahoma. 😊

To become a licensed Oklahoma process server, an applicant must mee the following new Oklahoma process server license requirements:

  1. An Oklahoma Process Server Must be at Least Eighteen (18) Years of Age.
  1. Anyone Wishing to Become a Licensed Oklahoma Process Server Must Have:
  1. No Felony Convictions
  2. No Pending Criminal Felony Charges
  3. No Misdemeanor Convictions for Assault or Crimes Against Children
  4. No Pending Misdemeanor Charges
  5. No Pending Charges or Convictions for Violent Crimes
  6. No Sex Offender Registration
  1. A Process Server in Oklahoma May Not Have Had a Process Server Licensed Previously Revoked More Than Once.
  1. All Process Servers in Oklahoma Must be of “Sound Moral Character” – That is Likely “Hick-Speak” for “Redneck” or Something.
  1. Anyone Seeking to Become a Licensed Oklahoma Process Server Must be a Qualified Resident of Oklahoma for the Past Six (6) Months or the County of Registration for Her/His/Their Oklahoma Process Server License for the Past Thirty (30) Days.
  1. An Oklahoma Process Server License Applicant Must Not Have Been Turned Down for an Oklahoma Process Server License Within the Past Year/Twelve (12) Months.

If you have any further questions about becoming a process server in Oklahoma, please contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her team of process servers in Oklahoma. She will be more than happy to help you.😊

To become a licensed Oklahoma process server, an applicant for an Oklahoma process server license must first complete the following steps:

  • Please Ensure That You Qualify to Become a Oklahoma Process Server (Scroll Up).
  • Complete the Application Form to Receive a Process Server in Oklahoma License.
  • Obtain Two (2) Passport Photos From a Place Like CVS, Walgreens, or FedEx Office.
  • Obtain a Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000) Oklahoma Process Server License Bond.
  • You Need to Publish Legal Notice in a Legal Notice in a Legal Paper Like The Journal Record.
  • You Need to Submit All of the Items Above, Prior to Your Court Hearing Date the Court Clerk Sets For You. Oklahoma Process Server License Applicants Are Not Required to Attend the Hearing.

Oklahoma Process Server licensing fees are found here on the State of Oklahoma’s Process Server License Application Website. 😊 In addition to the application fee, there is a fee for an Oklahoma process server license bond. You also still need to get two (2) passport photos from a place like CVS, Walgreens, or FedEx Office and need to publish legal notice of your bond application with a legal paper like The Journal Record.

A process server in OKC, OK and a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma will cost significantly less than a process server in Poteau, a process server in Boise City, OK, or a process server in Guymon, Oklahoma. This happens for several reasons, and the reasons a process server in Tulsa, OK or a process server in OKC, OK cost less than a process server in Guymon, Oklahoma are as much practical as they are financial.


Firstly, smaller towns do not often have many process servers in them. Why is this? Well, the cost of an Oklahoma process server license – let alone phone bills, Internet, printing, advertising, office space, etc. – is quite high and the amount of process serves in smaller towns is small. If a process server in Madill, OK or a process server in Bartlesville, Oklahoma must pay a high fee but cannot get much business like a process server in Tulsa or a process server in OKC, OK can, then why bother? The process server in Woodward, Oklahoma or the process server in Sallisaw, Oklahoma only risking her/his/their lives and is just losing money. ☹


Secondly, as most people know, everyone in small towns knows one another. Sadly, many people wrongfully blame process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma and process servers in OKC, OK whenever they serve them – even though the Tulsa, Oklahoma process server and process server in OKC, OK are impartial individuals who had nothing to do with the matter at hand! For this reason, few people in smaller towns enjoy working as process servers, because the process server in Ardmore, OK and the process server in Woodward, Oklahoma do not want everyone to hate them and wrongfully project their misdirected anger onto them.


Fewer process servers in Oklahoma that are working in smaller towns also mean higher prices for a process server near me. This is true, because process servers from larger towns and cities like process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma and process servers in OKC, OK must unfortunately drive to other smaller areas to help get court papers served. Due to gas costs, the necessity of frequent oil changes, new brakes, vehicle insurance, maintenance/repairs, etc., that a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a process server in OKC, OK, and a private investigator in Tulsa must unfortunately endure, it simply costs more to effect service on individuals in tiny towns.


For service of process only, an Oklahoma process server is considered under Oklahoma law to be an officer of the court for the purposes of serving process only. This is a significant responsibility, but it is important to note that officers of the court are not law enforcement personnel, nor may they wear police-style badges since 2014 that could give off the appearance of serving as a law enforcement official.


No, starting in 2014, a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma may not wear special process server badges anymore. Process servers in Tulsa, OK used to be able to wear them to identify themselves as actual process servers. However, due to evolving concerns about process servers and others potentially misrepresenting themselves – intentionally or otherwise – as law enforcement officials, the State of Oklahoma simply made the decision to ban them completely.


Of course, it would have been nice if the State of Oklahoma had simply created a special process server badge for process servers in OKC, OK like they did for bail enforcement agents. They could have had a special design like the bail enforcement badges do, so as not to confuse them with law enforcement officials. Sadly, the State of Oklahoma chose not to. ☹

Have fun with that! LOL. If a dually licensed process server in OK get paid either way. Besides, it is a felony called sham service if a dually licensed process server in OKC, OK, a Tulsa process server, or a Tulsa private investigator lie about effecting service of process on an individual and perjury if the process server testifies in court under oath about it.

Please do not waste your time or the time of the process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the process servers in OKC, Oklahoma private investigator serve you with court papers, then please just go to court. Do not make things harder on yourself and everyone else.

Our licensed process server and private detective in Tulsa, Oklahoma, can provide efficient service of process and investigation services. Upon completing a service, we will email you the affidavit of service and mail the original to either the court or back to you. We specialize in serving individuals, companies, and governmental agencies. In cases where service cannot be effectively completed, we will notify you of non-service and discuss alternative options.

Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her team of legal professionals at her Tulsa, Oklahoma private detective agency offer a plethora of legal services, which are as follow:

Private Investigations in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

  • Cheating Spouse Private Detective in Tulsa, OK Cases
  • Oklahoma Death Penalty Private Investigations in Tulsa, Oklahoma Cases
  • Burglary & Robbery Private Investigations in Tulsa Criminal Cases
  • Child Custody Private Investigations in Tulsa, Oklahoma Cases
  • Wrongful Death Private Investigations in Tulsa, OK Cases
  • Sex Crimes Private Detective in Tulsa Cases
  • Insurance Fraud Civil Private Investigations in Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Workman’s Compensation Private Investigator in Tulsa, OK Cases
  • Automobile Accident Civil Private Investigations in Tulsa
  • Fraud Cases Needing Tulsa, Oklahoma Private Investigations
  • Counter-surveillance Measures for Private Investigations in Tulsa
  • Sweeping Homes, Vehicles, and Businesses for Secretly Hidden Bugs, Listening Devices, Tracking Devices, and Video Recording Devices by a Licensed Private Investigator in Tulsa
  • Nationwide Skip Tracing Services by a skip tracing service in Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Nationwide Criminal Background Checks by a Licensed Private Investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Murder, Post-Murder Convictions, Pardon and Commutation Request Investigation Cases in Moore, OK by a Private Investigator in Midwest City, Oklahoma at Our Private Investigation Agency in Tulsa, OK
  • Social Media Searches/Scans by a Licensed Private Investigator in Tulsa
  • Surveillance by a Licensed Private Investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Catfishing Cheating Spouses, Fraudsters, Etc. During Midwest City, OK Private Investigations
  • Much More! 😊

Process Serving in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

Need a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a process server in Yukon, Oklahoma, a process server in Bethany, Oklahoma, a process server in Edmond, Oklahoma, a process server in Moore, Oklahoma, a process server in El Reno, Oklahoma, process server in Norman, Oklahoma, process server in Bethany, Oklahoma, process server in Guthrie, Oklahoma, process server in Enid, Oklahoma, process server in Lawton, Oklahoma, process server in Altus, Oklahoma, process server in McAlester, Oklahoma, process server in Ardmore, Oklahoma, process server in Mustang, Oklahoma, process server in Stillwater, Oklahoma, process server in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, process server in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, process server in Bixby, Oklahoma, process server in OKC, OK, process server near me, a private investigator near me, a private investigator in OKC, OK, or a private investigator in Tulsa at a private investigator in Tulsa, a private detective agency near me, or a private investigation agency in OKC, OK? Then look no further. You have come to the right place!

Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her experienced team of nationwide process servers will help you with your Oklahoma process serving needs and process serving throughout the entire United States of America. 😊 Our licensed Oklahoma process servers will help serve your court and other legal documents to anyone, anywhere in the USA! 😊

Notary Public in Tulsa, Oklahoma & Mobile Notary in Oklahoma:

Need something notarized in a hurry? Need a jurat, apostille, or other notary public in Edmond, Oklahoma service? Are the banks and tag agencies closed? No worries! Dr. Makayla Saramosing has a notary public in Bethany, Oklahoma and throughout the entire State of Oklahoma! Some of the most notarized documents we oversee are as follow:

  • Deeds Requiring a Notary Public in Guthrie, Oklahoma
  • Vehicle Titles Requiring a Notary Public in Mustang, Oklahoma
  • Letters Requiring a Notary Public in Yukon, Oklahoma
  • Applications Requiring a Notary Public in Norman, Oklahoma
  • Home Loan Closing Packages Requiring a Notary Public in OKC, OK
  • Refinancing Packages Requiring a Notary Public in Oklahoma City, OK
  • Bills of Sale Requiring a Notary Public in Moore, Oklahoma
  • Powers of Attorney Requiring a Notary Public in OKC
  • Living Wills Requiring a Notary Public in Edmond, OK
  • Last Wills & Testaments Requiring a Notary Public in Warr Acres, Oklahoma
  • Anything You Want Notarized by a Notary Public in Oklahoma

Some of the most common clients our notary public in Oklahoma City notarizes documents for are as follow:

  • Individuals
  • Banks
  • Attorneys
  • Signing Agencies
  • Title Companies
  • Medical Doctors
  • YOU! 😊

Call or E-mail us now! Let an experienced notary public in Oklahoma City for all your notary public in Edmond, notary public in Norman, notary public in Yukon, notary public in Mustang, notary public in OKC, OK, notary public in Oklahoma, notary public in Bethany, notary public in Warr Acres, notary public in Guthrie, notary public in Midwest City, notary public in Del City, notary public in Moore, notary public in Oklahoma City, OK, notary public in Norman, notary public in El Reno, notary public needs! 😊

Polygraph Examinations in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

Are you worried someone is lying to you, and you need to know the truth? Has someone stolen from you? Do you suspect your boyfriend, girlfriend, non-binary partner, or spouse of cheating on your relationship? Are you an attorney, and you want to find out if your client is on the up-and-up? Perfect! Please contact a polygraph examiner in Tulsa, Oklahoma now for all your polygraph examinations in Tulsa and polygraph examinations near me. NOT KNOWING the truth can COST YOU!

Call or E-mail us today for all your polygraph examinations in OKC, polygraph examinations in Norman, polygraph examinations in Yukon, polygraph examinations in Moore, polygraph examinations in Norman, polygraph examinations in OKC, OK, polygraph examinations in Oklahoma City, polygraph examinations in Edmond, polygraph examinations in Del City, polygraph examinations in Midwest City, polygraph examinations in Piedmont, polygraph examinations in Shawnee, polygraph examinations in Enid, polygraph examinations in Ardmore, polygraph examinations in Muskogee, polygraph examinations in Lawton, polygraph examinations in Altus, polygraph examinations in Bartlesville, polygraph examinations in Tulsa, polygraph examinations in Broken Arrow, and polygraph examinations in McAlester, and polygraph examinations near me needs. 😊

Nationwide Skip Tracing Services:

Court Document Filing and Retrieval in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Need nationwide document filing and retrieval services? Our private detectives in Tulsa, OK and process servers in Tulsa, OK can assist you with all of  your document filing and retrieval in Tulsa services. Our nationwide court document filing and retrieval specialists will help you file any document, anywhere, at any time and speed of service. 😊

Some of the most common documents our legal document filing and retrieval services specialists handle are as follow:

  • Court Documents/Pleadings/Petitions/Summonses/Subpoenas
  • Police Reports
  • Medical Charts
  • Liens
  • Quit Claim Deeds
  • Whatever YOU Want!! 😊

The clients our process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma and private investigators in Tulsa, Oklahoma most often assist with Oklahoma court document filing and retrieval are as follow:

  • Attorneys/Law Firms
  • Governmental Agencies
  • Individuals
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Businesses
  • Legal Services Companies

Need documents filed and retrieved in a jiff? Contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her Tulsa, OK process servers and Tulsa, OK private detectives at her private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK, private investigation agency in OKC, OK, and private detective agency near me today for all your nationwide document filing and document retrieval service needs. 😊

Bodyguard Services in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

Are you feeling vulnerable? Is someone stalking you and/or raped you? Have you recently found yourself the victim of a robbery or burglary? Going through a terrible divorce or other toxic relationship breakup and just need peace of mind? If any of these apply to you, then please contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing today for all of your bodyguard needs in OKC, Edmond, Moore, Norman, Yukon, El Reno, Bethany, Mustang, Midwest City, Del City, Piedmont, Guthrie, Tulsa, Enid, Lawton, Altus, Broken Arrow, Bixby, and Oklahoma City.

Our professional Oklahoma bodyguard services have the potential to offer you the following:

  • Confidential Risk Assessments by a Bodyguard in OKC, OK
  • Multiple Armed or Unarmed Bodyguards in Edmond by Bodyguards in Moore, OK
  • Discreet or Known Bodyguard Services in OKC by Bodyguards in Bethany, Oklahoma
  • Driving and Transportation Services by Bodyguards in OKC
  • Single or Multiple Bodyguard Personnel in El Reno, Oklahoma
  • Single Event or Ongoing Bodyguard Services in Oklahoma
  • Off-Duty Police Officers as Bodyguards in Oklahoma Are Available 😊
  • Affordable, Competitive Pricing for All Bodyguards in Edmond, OK & Elsewhere
  • Diplomacy Always Emphasized in De-Escalation of Confrontations, But Use of Force Performed as Warranted

Want to feel better? Need protection? Okay! 😊 Please call Dr. Makayla Saramosing and our bodyguard services in Oklahoma today. Our bodyguard services in Oklahoma City, OK will protect you and keep you safe from harm’s way.

Process servers in Tulsa, OKC, Woodward, Guymon, and private investigators in Tulsa, OK are generally not permitted to serve court documents in other states. Most states require a process server to have a license, and in states where a license is not required, a local judge must appoint the person serving the documents. However, there are exceptions.

If a process server or private detective in Tulsa or OKC is also a licensed attorney or a court clerk in the jurisdiction of the defendant/respondent’s address, they are allowed by Oklahoma law to serve court documents and other legal processes

There are certain documents that a process server in Tulsa, a process server in OKC, OK, and a private detective in Tulsa must always serve personally. The documents are as follow:

  • Subpoenas
  • Indirect Contempt Citations
  • Victim Protection Orders (VPOs)
  • Hearings on Assets
  • ANY Documents from states like Texas, Florida, and a Few Others – California Allows Substitute Service on the Third Attempt Only

If you’re a dually licensed process server or private investigator in Tulsa, OKC, or other areas in Oklahoma, you’re likely familiar with the laws regarding serving court papers, as Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her team ensure all process servers and private investigators are well-informed. This includes professionals in Mustang, Bethany, Warr Acres, El Reno, and other regions.

However, for those who are not part of Dr. Makayla Saramosing’s team, such as process servers and private investigators in Norman, Piedmont, Edmond, and other areas in Oklahoma, our agency offers comprehensive guidance and support.

Whether you’re a potential client or a process server or private investigator in Tulsa or Norman, for all your process serving needs in Oklahoma, feel free to contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her team. They are ready to assist you with their expertise.

Most people who apply to work as a process server or private investigator in Oklahoma often end up quitting or getting fired quickly, or they stay for a very long time. Why is it like this, you might ask?

Some people enter the field just to see what it is like. They do not always realize how arduous the work really is. It’s a dangerous, difficult field, and those who are not fully prepared with training, equipment, and support will not last long.

In addition, Dr. Makayla Saramosing only recruits and keeps the best. If someone does not want to work hard, be honest, work quickly, and be nice and friendly, they will not last long.

On the other hand, Dr. Saramosing loves those who are hardworking, friendly, honest, open to learning, and work well both individually and as part of a team. She is a “mother hen” to her team.

Dr. Makayla Saramosing and co-owner Vivien Keefe pay their staff very well. They offer constant support to every team member, ensuring they feel cared for, receive any training they need, and can support their families and pay their bills.

No, under Oklahoma law, anyone other than an Oklahoma attorney or a court clerk or sheriff’s deputy serving process in the county where they work who wishes to serve process upon someone else must have an Oklahoma process server license. Other than what we mentioned above about working as an attorney, sheriff’s deputy, or court clerk, that is the law in Oklahoma.

Sadly, an Oklahoma process server need not undergo any training or education classes – yet, anyway. This hurts our profession, because there end up being a lot of process servers in OKC OK that are grossly untrained and have no idea what they are doing. This makes the tasks of the owners of larger process serving companies tougher and hurts our profession.

Oklahoma private investigators are another story, however, and the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (C.L.E.E.T.) requires private investigators in Oklahoma to complete Phases I and III for unarmed Oklahoma private investigators and Phases I, III, and IV for armed private investigators in Oklahoma. Some of the best schools to train to become a licensed private investigator near me at our private investigation agency near me are as follow:

  • Complete List of C.L.E.E.T-Approved Oklahoma Private Investigator Schools for Initial Licensing Training

If you still have questions about training to become a licensed private investigator in OKC, OK at our private investigation agency near me, please contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing or one of our other licensed private investigators in Tulsa or one of our private investigators near me at our private detective agency in Tulsa, OK.

If the person you are trying to serve with court documents only has a P.O. Box listed as their address, do not worry! Our process servers and private investigators can conduct a ‘post office box check’ to find their residential or business address.

Each P.O. Box must be registered to an actual address. So, if a defendant/respondent is trying to avoid service by listing only a P.O Box, our licensed process servers and private investigators can approach the post office. United State Postal Services Address Request Form. Then the postal workers will happily provide our process servers in OKC, OK the address associated with the P.O. Box number. 😊

There is no law on Oklahoma’s books which states that you may not attempt to hide from a process server in Tulsa, a process server in OKC  at our private investigation agency in Tulsa have much better toys and gadgets that can access much more information about you of which you can ever even dream. 😊

Think you can successfully hide for long from our process servers Oklahoma private investigation agency will soon find you. A judge will then most likely make you pay for the costs associated with locating you, so enjoy that as well. 😊

Yes, in some situations, a process server in Enid, Oklahoma, a process server in Ardmore, OK, a process server in Moore, Oklahoma, and a private investigator in Tulsa can serve someone legal documents at home or at work by leaving them with another individual. However, substitute service comes with some restrictions.

Firstly, process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process servers in Lawton, Oklahoma, process servers in Guthrie, OK, and Tulsa private investigators at our private detective agency in Tulsa may serve all but the following documents of Oklahoma origin upon an individual by leaving them with someone else who resides at the residence of the defendant/respondent/petitioner who is over the age of fifteen-and-a-half (15 ½):

  • Subpoenas
  • Hearings on Assets
  • Victim Protection Orders (VPOs)
  • Indirect Contempt Citations

By limiting the people and types of documents that a process server in Bethany, a process server in Norman, a process server in El Reno, a process server in Lawton, and a private investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, can leave the documents with and serve, the courts want to make sure that the following takes place:

  • That the Process Servers in Moore, Oklahoma, Process Servers in Yukon, Process Servers in Enid, Process Servers in Ardmore, and Private Detectives in Tulsa, OK Leave the Documents with Someone Who Lives With the Defendant/Respondent/Petitioner for Whom the Documents are Intended
  • That the Person the Process Server in McAlester, OK, Process Server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Process Server in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Process Server in Woodward, Oklahoma, and Private Investigators in Tulsa, Oklahoma at Our Private Investigation Agency in Norman, OK Leaves the Documents with is Old Enough and Mature Enough to Give the Documents to Their Intended Recipient
  • That the Type of Documents/Type of Cases That the Process Servers in Moore, OK, Process Servers in Midwest City, OK, Process Servers in Del City, Oklahoma, Process Servers in Tulsa, Process Servers in Bartlesville, and Private Detectives in Tulsa at Our Tulsa Private Detective Agency Serve are Less Serious Cases.

In terms of having the ability to serve someone at work, process servers in Tulsa, process servers in Bethany, Oklahoma, process servers in El Reno, process servers in Mustang, process servers in Broken Arrow, process servers in Ardmore, and private investigators in Tulsa, OK at our private investigation agency may only serve legal process via substitute service at a business or governmental agency if the process server in Warr Acres, process server in Yukon, process server in El Reno, process server in Enid, and Tulsa, Oklahoma private investigator at our private investigation agency are serving the business or governmental agency itself. Substitute service upon an individual being sued/deposed in an individual capacity is forbidden.


It is also meritorious to point out that some states, such as Texas and Florida, require process servers in Midwest City, process servers in Norman, process servers in Moore, process servers in Stillwater, process servers in Tulsa, and private investigators in Tulsa at our private investigation agency in Tulsa to serve all documents, regardless of their content, via personal service only. Indeed, other states, such as California, permit process servers in Tuttle, Oklahoma, process servers in Tulsa, OK, process servers in Mustang, process servers in Enid, and private detectives in Tulsa at our private investigation agency in Tulsa to serve an individual at a residence via personal service on the third attempt only.


Because so many states have different requirements about the manner in which a process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Lexington, OK, a process server in Purcell, OK, a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a Tulsa, OK private investigator at our Tulsa, Oklahoma private investigation agency may serve someone and with which documents, clients and process servers in other states should always carefully check to ensure that they are following each state’s laws regarding the state and federal rules for civil procedure.

Courts throughout the United States of America typically accept the following forms for service of process:


Personal Service:


Personal service is the preferred, and sometimes mandated, manner of service at both federal and state levels. This occurs when a dually licensed process server in Tulsa, process server in Moore, process server in Bethany, process server in Lawton, process server in Mustang, process server in Enid, process server in OKC, OK, process server in Ardmore, process server in Broken Arrow, and private investigator in Tulsa, OK at our private detective agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma physically gives the defendant/petitioner/respondent the court documents.


Courts typically prefer this method of service, because the process server in OKC, OK, process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process server in Norman, process server in Edmond, process server in Guthrie, process server in McAlester, and private detective in Tulsa at our private investigation agency in Tulsa can attest beyond doubt that the defendant/respondent/petitioner/deposed does indeed have the legal papers. There is not a chance that they blew off the door after a posting, nor did they get lost in the mail. No one else at the house received them on the defendant’s/respondent’s/petitioner’s behalf, and then failed to give it to the intended individual. See why the judicial system prefers, and sometimes requires, personal service?


We should also note that some states, such as Texas, require personal service only in all cases by a sheriff’s deputy, certified mailing with a return receipt, or via a process server in OKC, OK, process server in Edmond, OK, a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a process server in Broken Arrow, OK, a process server in Norman, OK, a process server in Moore, OK, a process server in Yukon, OK, a process server in Lawton, Oklahoma, a process server in Altus, OK, a process server in Enid, OK, a process server in McAlester, Oklahoma, a process server in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, a process server in Stillwater, Oklahoma, a process server in Ardmore, OK, a process server in Ada, OK, and a private detective in Tulsa, Oklahoma at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, unless otherwise pre-approved by a judge because the defendant/respondent/petitioner/deposed is actively avoiding.


Other states like California require personal service only until the third attempt, at which time a process server in Edmond, OK, a process server in Moore, a process server in Norman, a process server in Tuttle, a process server in Newcastle, Oklahoma, a process server in Cushing, OK, a process server in Tulsa, OK, a process server in Bixby, Oklahoma, a process server in Lexington, Oklahoma, a process server in Purcell, OK, and a private investigator in Tulsa, OK at our Tulsa private investigation agency may serve it via substitute service. However, the dually licensed process server near me and private detective near me at our private investigation agency near me must also mail out a copy of the documents via U.S. Mail. It does not have to be a certified mailing or with a return receipt.


Substitute Service:


Substitute service occurs when the Tulsa process server, Mustang process server, Yukon process server, Norman process server, Enid process server, Midwest City process server, Lawton process server, Ardmore process server, OKC, OK process server, Stillwater process server, and Tulsa private investigator at our Tulsa private investigation agency delivers the court documents to an individual who resides at the residence or who is designated at a business to accept service even if not the owner of the business (i.e., legal assistant).


For substitute service at a residence to occur, the defendant/respondent/petitioner/deposed must be living at the house and the person to whom the process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process server in Moore, Oklahoma, process server in Edmond, Oklahoma, process server must be over fifteen-and-a-half (15 1/2) years old and live at the residence with the defendant/respondent/petitioner/deposed. The theory behind this is that the person residing at the home with whom the process server in Edmond, OK, process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process server in Yukon, Oklahoma, process server in Norman, Oklahoma, process server in Moore, Oklahoma, process server in Bethany, OK, process server in Midwest City, OK, process server in Lawton, Oklahoma, process server in Enid, OK, process server in Ardmore, Oklahoma and private detective in Tulsa, OK at our private detective agency in Tulsa, OK gives the papers will be old enough and mature enough to remember to responsibly give the documents to the defendant/respondent/petitioner/deposed for whom the courts intended them.


Certified Mailing with Return Receipt:


Some people try to serve defendants/petitioners/respondents/deposed by mailing the documents to them via a certified mailing with a return receipt. This is a plausible method for those wanting to serve a larger business, governmental agency, or even a willing individual defendant/respondent/petitioner/deposed or her/his/their legal counsel. They will usually sign for and accept the documents. However, most people will not accept the documents, and Dr. Makayla Saramosing and all of the other process servers in Stillwater, process servers in OKC, OK, process servers in Norman, process servers in Tulsa, process servers in Moore, process servers in Mustang, process servers in Warr Acres, process servers in Edmond, Oklahoma, process servers in McAlester, process servers in Seminole, Oklahoma, process servers in Woodward, Oklahoma, and private investigators in Tulsa at our private investigation agency in Tulsa strong advise against sending legal documents via certified mailing with a return receipt to smaller businesses and individuals in most situations.


Firstly, about ninety-five percent (95%) of the individuals and smaller business never sign for legal documents sent via certified mailing with a return receipt. This is because most of them do not want them, and when they read the name of the addressee being the courts or the petitioner, most will ignore them. Thus, trying to serve a smaller business or unwilling defendant via certified mailing instead of with a process server in Tulsa, OK, a process server in Norman, a process server in El Reno, OK, a process server in Midwest City, a process server in Edmond, Oklahoma, a process server in OKC, OK, or a private investigator in Tulsa from our Tulsa, Oklahoma private investigation agency most often just wastes time and money and still necessitates additional service efforts via a process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Moore, Oklahoma, a process server in El Reno, Oklahoma, a process server in Edmond, a Tulsa, OK process server, and a Tulsa, OK private detective at our Tulsa, OK private investigation agency.


Unfortunately, failed attempts at serving an individual legal documents via certified mailing with a return receipt also tip off the defendant/respondent/plaintiff/petitioner that you plan to serve her/him/them with court papers or other legal documents. Therefore, whenever a process server in OKC, OK, process server in Edmond, OK, process server in Norman, process server in Yukon, process server in Tulsa, process server in Deer Creek, OK, process server in Warr Acres, process server in Bethany, process server in Enid, OK, process server in Altus, process server in Lawton, OK, process server in Ardmore, Oklahoma, process server in McAlester, Oklahoma, process server in Woodward, OK, process server in Broken Arrow, OK, process server in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and private investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma have a much more difficult time getting the defendant/respondent/petitioner/deposed served, because she/he/they now know(s) that the court papers are coming and neutralizes the initiative advantage our process server near me and private investigator near me at our private investigation agency near me would have otherwise enjoyed. ☹


Posting and Mailing (Nail and Mail):


A process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Yukon, OK, a process server in Norman, a process server in Tulsa, OK, a process server in Mustang, a process server in Bartlesville, OK, a process server in Guthrie, Oklahoma, a process server in Edmond, OK, a process server in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, a process server in Lawton, a process server in Altus, a process server in Woodward, a process server in Broken Bow, OK, a process server in Bristow, OK and a private detective in Tulsa, Oklahoma may serve someone by posting the documents to the front door and mailing a copy out via certified mailing in very limited circumstances. This is because the courts consider this “nail and mail” method of process service to be the least effective. 


The first instance in which a court allows a process server to post documents upon a door is for a pre-eviction five (5) day notice to pay or quit. This notice tells a renter or tenant that she/he/they owe(s) a certain amount of money to the proprietor, and that the renter/tenant has five (5) days to pay the amount or must leave the facility/dwelling/business/building. If the renter pays, that is great, and if she/he/they do(es) not, then the landlord files the formal eviction papers called the summons and petition for forcible entry and detainer.


The landlord may either post the five (5) day notice to pay or quit upon the door, or she/he/they may have a process server in Norman, Oklahoma, a process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Tulsa, a process server in Seminole, a process server in Broken Arrow, a process server in Bixby, a process server in Edmond, a process server in Guthrie, a process server in El Reno, Oklahoma, a process server in Yukon, a process server in Mustang, a process server in Midwest City, a process server in Lawton, a process server in Altus, a process server in Bethany, Oklahoma, a process server in Warr Acres, a process server in Nichols Hills, OK, and a private investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma do so. Neither the proprietor nor process server must also deliver a copy of a five (5) day notice to pay or quit via certified mailing with a return receipt.


If the tenant/renter does not pay the landlord but still does not leave the building/dwelling/facility, then the landlord may opt to file the formal summons and petition for forcible entry and detainer documents. The courts do not permit the landlord to serve this set of documents, but the landlord may choose to have it done via a sheriff’s deputy, process server in OKC, OK, process server in Edmond, OK, process server in Norman, process server in Moore, process server in Altus, process server in Lawton, process server in Enid, Oklahoma, process server in Guthrie, Oklahoma, process server in Broken Arrow, process server in Yukon, OK, process server in Mustang, OK, process server in Lexington, OK, process server in Cushing, OK, and private investigator in Tulsa, OK at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK.


When serving the summons and petition for forcible entry and detainer, the sheriff’s deputy or process server in Tulsa, OK, process server in Broken Arrow, OK, process server in Norman, OK, process server in Midwest City, OK, process server in Edmond, OK, process server in Ardmore, OK, process server in Moore, OK, process server in Bartlesville, OK, process server in Broken Bow, OK, process server in Sallisaw, OK,  and private detective in Tulsa, OK at our private detective agency in Tulsa, OK may serve the documents via personal service, substitute service, or via posting them and sending a copy of them via certified mailing with a return receipt.


A process server in Mustang, Oklahoma, a process server in Yukon, Oklahoma, a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a process server in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Edmond, Oklahoma, a process server in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, a process server in Moore, Oklahoma, a process server in Norman, Oklahoma, a process server in Midwest City, Oklahoma, a process server in Deer Creek, Oklahoma, a process server in Lawton, Oklahoma, a process server in Altus, Oklahoma, a process server in Duncan, Oklahoma, a process server in Durant, Oklahoma, a process server in Marietta, Oklahoma, and a private investigator in Tulsa at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK will always ask our clients if they are seeking money or possession only, before posting a summons and petition for forcible entry and detainer to the front door of a tenant/evictee and mailing a copy via certified mailing with a return receipt.


Unless the tenant/evictee physically signs for the documents a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma and private detective in Tulsa, OK sends via certified mailing with a return receipt, a landlord/our client can only get possession, when serving someone by certified mailing with a return receipt. If the landlord/our client is only seeking possession, then our process server in OKC, OK, process server in Norman, OK, process server in Tulsa, OK, process server in Mustang, OK, process server in Lawton, OK, process server in Broken Arrow, OK, process server in Bethany, OK, process server in Midwest City, OK, process server in Edmond, OK, process server in Guthrie, OK, process server in Enid, OK, process server in Muskogee, OK, process server in Stillwater, OK, process server in Ardmore, OK, process server in Altus, OK, and private detective in Tulsa at our private detective agency in Tulsa may post the summons and petition for forcible entry and detainer on the front door and can mail a copy via certified mailing with a return receipt.  


If the defendant/tenant/evictee personally signs for the documents before the court date and the property owner/client receives the return receipt back before the court date, then the judge will count it as personal service that makes the landlord/our client eligible for both possession and a money judgment. If the defendant does not sign for the documents in time or even not at all, then the property owner/our client is only eligible for possession only. It is imperative that all process servers in Midwest City, process servers in Moore, process servers in Norman, process servers in Edmond, process servers in Tulsa, process servers in OKC, OK, process servers in Lawton, process servers in Enid, process servers in Broken Arrow, process servers in Bethany, process servers in Altus, process servers in Yukon, process servers in Mustang, process servers in El Reno, process servers in Ardmore, process servers in Bartlesville, process servers in McAlester, and private detectives in Tulsa, OK at our private investigation agency discuss this with the landlord/our clients in advance. 😊


No, a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma a process server in Norman, a process server in Bethany, a process server in Shawnee, OK, a process server in OKC, OK, and a private detective in Tulsa from our private investigation agency in Tulsa do not have to place the legal documents into the hands of the person that the process servers in Mustang, process servers in Moore, process servers in Norman, process servers in  Guthrie, OK and private investigators in Tulsa at our private detective agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma are serving.


While a few states technically “require” that a process server in Bethany, Oklahoma, a process server in Norman, Oklahoma, a process server in Shawnee, a process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a private investigator in Tulsa, OK at our private investigation agency in Tulsa place the documents directly into the hands of the defendant/respondent/petitioner, it is doubtful that any judges or officials ask if that happened.


Indeed, if process servers in Shawnee, process servers in Tulsa, process servers in Mustang, process servers in OKC, OK, and Tulsa private investigators at Tulsa private investigation agencies found themselves forced to physically place the documents into the hands of the people they were serving, it would cause many fights and many people would not get served.  


A dually licensed process server in Norman, a process server in Bethany, a process server in Piedmont, a process server in Guthrie, a process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Tulsa, a process server in Broken Arrow, a process server in Moore, a process private detective in Tulsa, OK, a private investigator in Moore, a private investigator in Norman, a private investigator in OKC, OK, a private detective in Broken Arrow, OK, and a private investigator in Edmond, Oklahoma at our private detective agency in Tulsa, OK will generally make up to four (4) attempts on service to one defendant at one address, for each person we attempt to serve with legal court process. This number of attempts in both Oklahoma and other states applies to the larger cities and their surrounding metropolitan areas/cities.


Larger towns and cities, as explained elsewhere in this set of Oklahoma process server FAQs, tend to have more process servers. The costs for process serving in Tulsa, process serving in OKC, OK, process serving in Ardmore, process serving in Edmond, process serving in Yukon, process serving in El Reno, process serving in Piedmont, process serving in Stillwater, and process serving in Broken Arrow, OK are usually not only lower, but there are more process servers in OKC, OK, process servers in Norman, OK, process servers in Yukon, process servers in Moore, process servers in Bethany, process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process servers in Del City, etc., at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK who are closer to the businesses and homes that our clients need us to serve.


Smaller cities in Oklahoma and elsewhere mean that Dr. Makayla Saramosing and our private detective agency in Tulsa have fewer process servers in Woodward, process servers in Lawton, process servers in McAlester, process servers in Seminole, process servers in Altus, process servers in McCloud, process servers in Bartlesville, process servers in Broken Bow, Oklahoma, and private detectives in Tulsa, Oklahoma at our Tulsa, OK private investigation agency who must spend more time and energy driving longer distances and thus incur higher fuel and mileage costs. Therefore, cities such as Corn, OK, Poteau, OK, Lindsey, OK, etc., cost more than service of process in larger towns and cities.


Yes, you must always pay our process servers in Tulsa, our process servers in OKC, OK, our process servers in Edmond, OK, our process servers in El Reno, our process servers in Lawton, our process servers in Ardmore, process servers in Bethany, our process servers in Broken Arrow, OK, our process servers in Stillwater, Oklahoma, our process servers in Mustang, OK, etc., at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma even if our process server cannot get good service on the person you wanted. This is because our process servers had to spend so much time and expenses trying in the first place.


Indeed, a process server in Tulsa, OK must often cover expenses which include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Oklahoma Process Server License Expenses
  • Car Repairs
  • Brake Changes
  • Oil Changes
  • Gasoline/Fuel Costs
  • Phone Expenses
  • Office Expenses/Rent/Mortgage
  • Utilities (i.e., Electricity, Water, Gas)
  • Internet
  • Advertising
  • Training, Schooling, Continuing Education, Licensing Classes
  • Staff Costs
  • Equipment (i.e., Firearms, Computers, Phones, Bulletproof Vests, Tasers, Etc.)


Not wanting to pay your Tulsa, Oklahoma process server or Tulsa, Oklahoma private investigator for a refund because the serve or private investigation case in Tulsa, OK did not turn out as you hoped would be very insulting. You would not ask a lawyer for a refund, just because the judge and/or jury sided against you, would you? Our process servers in OKC, OK, our process servers in Norman, OK, our process servers in Bethany, Oklahoma, our process servers in Edmond, our process servers in Moore, Oklahoma, and our private investigators in Tulsa, OK, our private investigators in Broken Arrow, OK, our private detectives in Yukon, at our Tulsa, Oklahoma private detective agency work so hard and just want to support themselves and, if applicable, their families. 😊

Yes, sadly some people have tried to harm or even kill process servers in Tulsa, OK and sheriff’s deputies in Logan County, Oklahoma. The people who committed those horrible atrocities were cruel idiots. They murdered or attempted to murder innocent people with families who were just trying to hand a court document to someone else. Please do not act stupidly like those monsters did. Now they are spending decades or even their entire lives in jail, while they brutally ended the lives of innocent people and harmed their families as well.

If you are ever thinking of becoming a process server in OKC, OK, a process server in Norman, a process server in Edmond, a process server in Guthrie,  a process server in Enid, a process server in Tulsa, a process server in Broken Arrow, a process server in Lawton, a process server in Broken Arrow, a process server in Moore, a process server in Norman, a process server in Yukon, a process server in Mustang, a process server in Oklahoma City, OK, a process server in OKC, a process server in Oklahoma City, a process server in Ardmore, a process server in Altus, a process server in Stillwater, a process server in Midwest City, a process server in Del City, a process server in Woodward, a process server in McAlester, a process server in Duncan, a process server in Durant, or a process server near me, then please be super careful.

Please wear a bulletproof vest or full armor system, carry a taser, pepper gel, and even a firearm, if licensed. Process servers and private investigators should also take martial arts classes for extra self-defense training. Always let others know where you are going and when you will be back. Having body cameras or dash cameras on your car’s dashboard and pointed at the front entrance/doorway area are also crucial to preserving evidence. Remember: No process serve is worth losing your life over.

Each county court clerk in each county issues statewide process server licenses, which a judge of each county must sign off on the Oklahoma process server license itself. This standard holds true for every county throughout Oklahoma. However, a process server in Oklahoma may apply at any county she/he/they wish(es) to. It does not have to be at the county where the process server in Oklahoma currently lives.


When it comes to private investigations in Tulsa, OK, private investigations in Oklahoma City, private investigations in OKC, private investigations in Moore, private investigations in Norman, OK, and private investigations in Bethany, the private investigators in Norman, private investigators in Yukon, private detectives in Moore, private investigators in Tulsa, private investigators in OKC, OK, and elsewhere in Oklahoma are licensed by the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (C.L.E.E.T) and are governed by Oklahoma’s statutes.

No, none of our Tulsa, OK process servers, Edmond, Oklahoma process servers, Norman, Oklahoma process servers, Moore, OK process servers, OKC, OK process servers, private investigators in Tulsa, Oklahoma, polygraph examiners in Edmond, OK, bodyguards in Moore, nationwide skip tracing services specialists, document filing and retrieval services in Oklahoma specialists, and notaries public in Mustang, Oklahoma at our Tulsa, Oklahoma private detective agency wear uniforms while actively out in the field. This is especially true for our process servers and private investigators at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK who want the element of surprise and wish to remain indiscreet, to do their jobs effectively.


Office staff at Dr. Makayla Saramosing’s private detective agency in Tulsa might wear staff uniforms. It depends on the day and occasion, but every staff member at our private detective agency in Tulsa, OK always act professionally and with dedication. 😊 Please stop by to see us and say hello. 😊

The prices for our process servers in Tulsa, OK, process servers in Norman, OK, process servers in OKC, OK,  process servers in Oklahoma City, OK, process servers in Yukon, OK, process servers in Edmond, OK, process servers in Tulsa, OK, process servers in Broken Arrow, OK, process servers in Lawton, OK, process servers in Altus, OK, process servers in Muskogee, OK,  process servers in Mustang, OK, process servers in Ardmore, OK, process servers in Duncan OK, process servers in Durant, OK, process servers in Midwest City, OK, process servers in Guthrie, OK, process servers in Piedmont, OK, process servers in Deer Creek, OK, process servers in Norman, OK, process servers in Bixby, OK, process servers in Bartlesville, OK, process servers in Woodward, OK, process servers in OKC, OK, process servers near me, private investigators in OKC, OK, private investigators in Tulsa, and private investigators near me at our private detective agency in Tulsa and private detective agency near me have varying costs. These costs often depend on the following factors:

  • City Location – Remote Areas Cost More Than Larger Cities
  • State – States That are Expensive to Live in, Such as New York or California, Cost More for Nationwide Process Serving Than a State Like Mississippi, Etc.
  • Speed of Service – Faster Service Costs More, Routine Service Costs Less


  • Number of Pages You Send Us to Print Out – If You Send Less Than Nine (9) Pages to Print Out, There is No Charge for Printing. If You Send Us Ten (10) or More Pages to Print Out, Then We Charge $0.35/Page for the Entire Thing.
  • Method of Payment – Credit/Debit Cards/Payment Apps Carry a Five (5) Percent Debit/Credit Card Fee Added Onto Them; Payments With Checks, Cash, and Money Orders Do Not
  • Other Fees Like Waiting and Watching, Hotel Charges, Etc., Are Possible, But Rare

The list of fees apply below for process servers in Oklahoma County, process servers in Cleveland County, and process servers in several of the cities in Canadian County:

Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Immediate Service (Within 1 Hour):


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Same Day Service (Same Day):



Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Rush Service (Within 1 Business Day):


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Expedited Service (Within 2 Business Days):


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Standard Service (In 3-7 Business Days):


Other Counties/States – Prices and Participation Vary by County & State


Of course, the process servers at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma serve court papers and other legal documents in every city, nationwide. For pricing on other cities, please feel free to call us at (405) 593-3515 or to E-mail Dr. Makayla Saramosing and the other process servers and private detectives at her private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK today for more details. 😊

The general fees, which like our process server, notary public, polygraph examinations, bodyguard services, document filing and retrieval services, and nationwide skip tracing services are subject to change, for our private investigations in Tulsa, Oklahoma by a licensed private investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK are as follow:

  Cash Price:        Credit/Debit Card, Etc.


Nationwide Skip Tracing Services:                        $99.00/Person    $103.95/Person

Nationwide Criminal Background Checks:          $99.00/Person    $103.95/Person


License Plate Checks:                                              $99.00/Plate         $103.95/Plate

Sweeps for Hidden Listening Devices,                  Varies Depending on House/Car Size

Video Recording Devices, Bugs,                                                and Location

And Tracking Devices: 

General Surveillance & Driving Time:                   $85/Hour               $89.25/Hour         

Mileage:                                                                       $0.59/Mile             $0.63/Mile

Waiting and Watching:                                              $85/Hour               $89.25/Hour

Research/Fees:                                                           $85/Hour               $89.25/Hour

Consultation Fees After the Standard

Fifteen (15) Minute Initial Consultation:               $85/Hour               $89.25/Hour

If we have not listed the service or state you are wanting private investigations conducted by a private investigator from our private detective agency, please feel free to contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing today at (405) 593-3515, via E-mail, or via our contact page. 😊

What speeds of service do the Tulsa process servers and Tulsa private investigators at your Tulsa private detective agency offer for service of process?

Our process servers in Norman, Oklahoma, process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process servers in Yukon, Oklahoma, process servers in El Reno, Oklahoma, process servers in Mustang, Oklahoma, process servers in Edmond, Oklahoma, process servers in Guthrie, Oklahoma, process servers in Shawnee, Oklahoma, process servers in Muskogee, Oklahoma, process servers in OKC, OK, process servers in Moore, Oklahoma, process servers in Midwest City, Oklahoma, process servers in Del City, Oklahoma, process servers in Enid, Oklahoma, process servers in Lawton, Oklahoma, process servers in Altus, Oklahoma, process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process servers in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, process servers in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, process servers in Duncan, Oklahoma, process servers in Woodward, Oklahoma, process servers in Durant, Oklahoma, private detectives in OKC, OK, private detectives in Tulsa, Oklahoma, private detectives near me, and process servers near me at our private investigation agency in Tulsa, private investigation agency in OKC, OK, and private investigation agency near me have different speeds of service, which we have outlined below as follow:


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Immediate Service (Within 1 Hour):


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Same Day Service (Same Day):


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Rush Service (Within 1 Business Day):


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Expedited Service (Within 2 Business Days):


Oklahoma, Cleveland, & Canadian Counties – Standard Service (In 3-7 Business Days):


Other Counties/States – Prices and Participation Vary by County & State


As noted earlier above, our process servers do nationwide process serving, because we have process servers throughout the United States of America. Thus, the speeds we offer are the same for nationwide process serving. However, the price may vary based upon the location. 😊

Yes, a licensed private investigator in Tulsa, process server in Tulsa, notary public in Tulsa, bodyguard in Tulsa, document filing and retrieval services in Tulsa specialist, skip tracer in Tulsa, OK, and process servers in Tulsa, OK, all make excellent money. Dr. Makayla Saramosing and Mrs. Vivien Keefe all pay their process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, process servers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, polygraph examiners in Tulsa, Oklahoma, bodyguards in Tulsa, Oklahoma, document filing and retrieval services in Tulsa, Oklahoma specialists, and skip tracers in Tulsa, Oklahoma well. If they are not making money and having fun, then neither are we. Everyone deserves to prosper and be happy. 😊

Yes, Dr. Makayla Saramosing is always seeking to hire new and experienced licensed private investigators in Norman, OK, private investigators in Tulsa, private detectives in El Reno, OK, private investigators in OKC, OK, process servers in OKC, OK, process servers in Tulsa, OK, process servers in Moore, process servers in Ardmore, process servers in Lawton, process servers in Altus, OK, process servers in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and process servers in Enid, OK. You can find employment applications for all our licensed and commissioned position on the following links:



If you are interested in an excited career as a process server in Edmond, OK, process server in Norman, OK, process server in Yukon, OK, process server in El Reno, process server in OKC, OK, Tulsa process server, Yukon process server, Norman, OK private detectives, private detectives in OKC, OK, polygraph examiners in Norman, bodyguards in El Reno, Oklahoma, document filing and retrieval services in OKC, OK specialists, skip tracing services in OKC, OK, or as a notary public in OKC, OK, then please contact Dr. Makayla Saramosing with any questions, fill out an application above, and then E-mail the application to us. 😊  


Yes, Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her Tulsa, OK private investigation agency offer internships for college and university students who wish to learn more about and explore the fields of process serving in Oklahoma and Oklahoma private investigations. Our private investigation agency in Tulsa, OK is happy to train interns and can even assist with emergency Oklahoma private investigator licensing, if desired. 😊

Yes, Dr. Makayla Saramosing and her team of supervisory licensed private investigators in OK and process servers in OK.

Glad you asked! Yes! 😊 Dr. Makayla Saramosing and Mrs. Vivien Keefe hold all staff and clients to a strict adherence to a ZERO TOLERANCE on any form of discrimination, based upon ANY and ALL of the following factors:


  • Age (Minimum Age Requirements for Licensing Do Apply)
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Religion/Lack of Religion (No A$$holes Tolerated, Religion or Not)
  • Political Affiliation or Lack Thereof (No A$$holes Tolerated, Regardless of Your Affiliation)
  • Nationality
  • Ethnicity
  • Sexuality
  • Disability
  • Veteran Status
  • Anything Else That Deserves Protection is Protected

In general, no one is allowed to be rude and everyone is accepted for who they are. Period. Non-negotiable, end of story. 😊

Our process servers and Tulsa private investigators are legally allowed to conduct investigations and serve court papers in Oklahoma at any time. They often conduct private investigations at night, especially in cases involving child custody, cheating spouses, and burglary.

Typically, businesses are served during the day and individuals either at work or in the evening at home. However, these times are not always set in stone. Some business owners work from home and may not be available until the evening, and some individuals work nights, requiring service in the early morning or during daytime hours.

In most cases, we do not serve court documents late at night. Serving at night is riskier and people are less likely to answer their doors. Some states have restrictions on serving times, like Texas, which prohibits serving on Sundays, but Oklahoma does not have such restrictions. Our team adapts to these varied requirements for effective service and investigation.

Some of our dually licensed process servers in Tulsa, polygraph examiners in Edmond, and bodyguards in OKC are indeed also licensed as police officers in one jurisdiction or another. However, neither an Oklahoma process server license nor an Oklahoma private investigator license serve as any sort of law enforcement commission.

Process servers in Oklahoma must follow the Oklahoma Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Private investigators in Oklahoma must follow the Council on Law Enforcement and Education’s (C.L.E.E.T’s) rules and regulations and the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act 59 P.S. Section 1750.1.

Our private investigation agency in Tulsa offers services in various cities and towns across Oklahoma, including Ada, Altus, Anadarko, Ardmore, Bartlesville, Bethany, Bixby, Blackwell, Blanchard, Broken Arrow, Catoosa, Chickasha, Claremore, Clinton, Collinsville, Cowetta, Cushing, Deer Creek, Del City, Duncan, Durant, Edmond, El Reno, Elk City, Enid, Glenpool, Grove, Guthrie, Guymon, Harrah, Henryetta, Holdenville, Hugo, Idabel, Jenks, Lawton, Lone Grove, Midwest City, Marietta, McAlester, Miami, Moore, Muskogee, Mustang, Newcastle, Nichols Hills, Noble, Norman, Oklahoma City, Okmulgee, Owasso, Pauls Valley, Perry, Piedmont, Ponca City, Poteau, Pryor Creek, Purcell, Sallisaw, Sand Springs, Shawnee, Skiatook, Stillwater, Tahlequah, Tecumseh, The Village, Tulsa, Tuttle, Vinita, Wagoner, Warr Acres, Watonga, Weatherford, Woodward, and Yukon

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